
はじめに Preface

When I just started doing a search on the Internet for the COMPOSING STICK this week, I caught a lot of its curious data and became engrossed. But, I only gathered the materials about it which was made in America, including a volume of patent information, I was never able to get documents on it made in Europe and Japan. This time, as a overview, I give an outline of the history, the part names, and general sizes about it.

成り立ち Timeline

活版印刷の揺籃期、まだ組版ステッキ(Composing Stick)は使われていないどころか発明さえされておらず、活字を直接木製のチェース(Chase)に組み込んでいたことが、当時の印刷物から推測されている。その後、植字工(Compositor、略称Comp)たちの改良の結果、木製のステッキが登場する。この時、木の枝(Stick)から削り出されたのがその名の由来である。このステッキは決まった字詰(行長)しか組めないものだったが、後に字詰(行長)を変えられるものへと改良された。また、組版の精度とステッキの強度を増すために、一部の部品を金属(真鍮など)で造るようにようになる。17世紀*1には全てが金属製のステッキが使われるようになる。材質は真鍮・砲金・鉄・鋼で、ニッケルでメッキされたりもした。ただ、木製のステッキは、木活字の植字用に20世紀初頭まで使われ続ける。
In the beginning of letterpress printing, the composing stick was not even invented. From the then printings, it is estimated that compositors set the type directly in wooden chases. After the improvements by compositors, the first wooden sticks were cut from sticks of wood, and this is the origin of the name ‘stick’. This stick was set only one line length, later was improved to be able to change line lengths. And, some parts of the stick were made of metal to make them more precise typesetting and to increase in strength of them. In the 17th century the first metal sticks were made and used. They were made of brass, gunmetal, iron or steel, and some of them were plated with nickel, too. Wood sticks were used continuously for setting mainly the Wood Type until the early part of the 20th century.

ステッキの一般的な部品名と寸法 General names and sizes of the composing stick

This is the illustration of general names and sizes of the composing stick. It was one of the common model of stick (called Common Screw Stick) until inventing the ‘Grover’ type stick in the US of the mid 19th.

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参考文献 References

  1. Williams, Fred. The Lore of the Composing Stick. 1987
  2. The Inland Printer Company. The Inland Printer–A Technical Journal: Devoted To The Art Of Printing. Volume VII, Maclean-Hunter Pub. Co., 1890, 1160p. (p.172)
  3. Ringwalt, John Luther. American encyclopaedia of printing. Menamin & Ringwalt, 1871, 512p. (p.116)

*1:別の資料(より古い資料の参考文献3のこと)では1796年12月に、フランスはリヨンの植字工Hubert Reyが最初の金属製(鉄)のステッキを発明した、とある。